
Monday, April 22, 2013

Top 10 Dialogues Of Teachers

#1 If you're not interested then u may leave the class..

#2 If you want to talk please get out of the class & talk..

#3 This class is worst then a fish market..

#4 Are you here to waste your parents money.. ??

#5 Tell me when you all have finished talking..

#6 Why you are laughing.. ?? Come here and tell us all, we'll also laugh..

#7 Do you think teachers are fools...!!

#8 Why do you come to school when u don't want to study..

#9 Don't try to act over smart with me..

#10 You yes you ! I'm talking to you only don't look back....:p :D :O

Let me know if am right with your Comment..

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